Latex paint Megalatex Maxima

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Technical data

Назначение для відкосів, for mineral surfaces, для стель, для стін, для шпалер
Застосування interior
Category Wall paint
Consumption standard of 1 layer: 110-150 g/m2
Thinner: Water
Application: Apply with a roller, a brush or a spraying gun.
Drying period (23 °С, 50% RH): 1 hour
Solids content
(DSTU ISO 3251) :
63±2 %
Density (DSTU ISO 2811-1) : ≈ 1,58 g/cm3
Gloss (DSTU ISO 2813) : Maximum 5 GU at 85°
Dry film thickness: 50-100 micron
The degree of milling (SSU ISO 1524): maximum 30 micron
Vapor permeability (EN ISO 7783-2) : minimum 150 g/(m2*day)
Water permeability (DSTU EN 1062-3) : less than 0,5 kg/(m2*hour 0,5)
Marking acc. to the DSTU EN 1062-1: G3|E2|S1|V1|W2|A0|C0
Contrast ratio of dry film (ISO 6504-3) : > 98 % - 2 class (cons. 9.3 m2/l ≈ 170 g/m2)
> 99.5 % - 1 class (cons. 4.2 m2/l ≈ 380 g/m2)
Class of hiding power (acc. to DSTU EN 13300)
Wet-scrub resistance, microns (DSTU ISO 11998): < 5 (after 200 cycles)
Wet-scrub resistance class (DSTU EN 13300): 1
VOC content (ISO 11890): < 15 g/l.
Warranty period: 36 months
Packaging: 1,4 kg, 4,2 kg, 7 kg, 14 kg


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